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* * SPECIAL Teaching The Teachersl Clinic with Bronc Wise :Sunday June 2, 2024 @2pm:

Next meeting:
Sunday June 2, 2024 10:00 am EST
Online ZOOM (See Secretary’s Email for more info)
What is NECCA?
The New England Council of Callers Association (NECCA) is an organization formed by the independent callers associations in New England. The organization is devoted to the following purposes:
1. To expand communications among square dance callers.
2. To help coordinate and further the development of all callers and their caller associations, providing continuity and balance to this ever growing activity.
3. To improve the standards of square dance calling in New England and thereby improve dancing in the New England area.
4. To find ways of improving relationships among square dance callers, dancers and dancer organizations.
To foster respect and trust among all square dance callers by providing a common meeting place and forum.
*NECCA awards up to 4 Scholarships a year for qualified Members to attend a Caller School. Email Chairman Don Bachelder: donbachelder@comcast.net for more information & application
Kevin Bersing
Email: kevincalls@gmail.com Website: kevincalls.com
3957 Wicks Rd Arnold, MO 63010-4353
Call or Text: (314) 605-7389
Vice Chairman
Ken Ritucci
Email: kenritucci@gmail.com Website: https://www.kenritucci.com/
132 Autumn Rd W Springfield MA 01089
Treasurer & Membership
Dave Perrault
Email: DPerr25776@aol.com
231 Hedges Pond Road, Plymouth, MA 02360
(508) 888-4399
Permanent Clerk
Robert ‘Bob’ Butler
Email: robertbutler517@comcast.net
Website: http://www.sdancing.com/butler.html
Robert ‘Bob’ Butler
Email: robertbutler517@comcast.net
Website: http://www.sdancing.com/butler.html